What is Robotic Process Automation? In 2020, the World Economic Forum expected that machines and automation would eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025, and they will create 97 million new jobs to meet newfound needs in robotics. Robots bring about precision and efficiency that no humans can rival. With recent breakthroughs in technology, robots can…

Tags:  Back-Office AutomationRobotic Process AutomationRPARPA BotsRPA For BusinessesRPA PartnerRPA SingaporeRPA SolutionSoftware BotsUiPath

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AsiaPac is proud to be awarded the Automation Anywhere ‘Best Performance Partner of the Year 2021’. Recognizing AsiaPac’s competency as the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in the ability to deliver complete RPA solutions and fulfilling end-to-end customer engagements successfully and smoothly, unlocking true workplace potential and business growth digitally.  Thank you to AA and our customers for…

Tags:  automationAutomation AnywhereBusiness ContinuityCloud Security AutomationDigital TransformationMulti cloudremote workforceRobotic Process AutomationRPATasks Automation

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According to a survey by The Alternative Board, entrepreneurs, on average, spend 68.1% of their time managing routine, mundane, and repetitive tasks. They spend only 31.9% of their time on achieving their business goals. These numbers get worse as we move down the organizational hierarchy, and their impact, even more profound. Repetitive, tedious admin tasks,…

Tags:  AutomateAutomation AnywhereDigital TransformationDXRobotic Process AutomationRPATasks Automation

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The internet has ushered in a tremendous transformation to how businesses operate today. Every industry has been swept away by the overwhelming and sweeping force of digitisation. There are no more debates about whether businesses should embark on digital transformation projects, but just a strong realisation of how critical digital transformation is to their very…

Tags:  Automation AnywhereDigital TransformationDXRobotic Process AutomationRPA

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