Full stack monitoring

“To err is human…” But you err enough times, and your organization runs the risk of sliding into oblivion. Modern-day customers, especially business clients, can be unforgiving and rightly so. For instance, downtime has resulted in business losses for up to 37% of businesses surveyed in a report. In today’s highly competitive business landscape, mistakes…

Tags:  automationAutonomous cloudAWSAWS cloudBusiness intelligenceCloud ConsultancyCloud monitoringCloud TransformationDigital TransformationDynatraceDynatrace for AWSFull stack monitoringHybrid cloudMulti cloudSoftware Intelligence

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80% of the mobile users abandon newly installed apps within just 3 days of installing them. After the first 7 days, only 10% of the users continue to use the apps. These are some startling numbers for businesses who rely on their mobile apps to increase their engagement with their potential and existing customers. The…

Tags:  DynatraceFull stack monitoring

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